Friday, September 11, 2009

Back on Track???

So I weighed myself this morning, after one more sucessful day of dieting--and three days in the last five that were total blunders. And what a kind scale it was! Despite my sins and shortcomings and short-sightedness (by not ordering new food in time) I have nevertheless lost 9.5 pounds since I began this exploit. That was very encouraging. I was sure that I had gained back half or ALL of what I had lost during the week when I was successful with sticking to the diet. So with this tiny bright spot in my morning, I hope that I have the incentive to stick to the diet today. Fridays are tough. Our entire society lives and dies with eating mingled with entertainment on weekends. So if I'm on a diet I'm always the odd man out saying "no thank you" to food offers and then generally having to explain why I'm refusing and telling the same story over and over and over. Let's see if I can successfully get through the weekend without eating and keep the fact that I'm dieting secret from everybody who might otherwise notice.

The challenge, really, is just sticking to the diet at all. But maybe this added challenge will put the focus on something besides food cravings.


  1. I think it's awesome that you're still working at it at all! Actually my whole family (well my hubby and I since only one of the kids can even talk yet) have decided to go healthy. We're not as brave as you are but we're turning things around slowly. Being in the sitution, you may not think you're doing the best but your honesty is certainly a bessing and encouragement to us. It's not where you're at, it's where you're headed, right? So thanks for sharing and thanks for the inspiration, you're making a difference!

  2. Hello Chris, you may not remember me, but I met you years ago at your friend house Brother D. Shyleter ( spelling is off ) in the Whitewood Ward. I helped to assist in a blessing. Don't want to say too much online. Not just a big fan, I respect the novels you have written. It is because of those that some other friends of mine have read the Book of Mormon and become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I found your blog as I was looking up when your next book should come out. I did not find it but I found this.I got the idea as I had to go pick up another copy of " The Feathered Serpent Part 2" For some reason I mis placed that one. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I remember when I met you and just to tell you how much your novels have inspired others. Myself included. Keep the faith and I look forward to your future projects.

  3. Uh Chris, is "Back on Track???" your last post? Please tell me you didn't give up. It has been 6 days. Where did you go? If you gave up, then let us know and we'll suggest some other method of dieting. I'm just kidding. Seriously though share your success.

    --J Man
